This school has well equipped building , It was constructed with the help of selfless donation by Dr. Jagannath Wani residing in Canada honouring his request, his Sister-in-law’s name was given to the school. Dr. Jagannath Wani facilitated to obtain this donation from a NRI’s ‘ MaharashtraSeva Samiti Organisation’. This school has yet to get government grant.
Ninety students from age 6 to 18 years are availing special education in the school.
This school has not received any government grant from Year 2000. When it started the staff consisting of special teachers, assistant teachers, art teachers, attendants, clerk, peon are working on average (token) salary.
For handling these children needs lot of patience. Though it is very challenging to take care of these children each having different I.Q. and problems, the staff is gladly taking care of them and teaching them the best possible skills.
There is spacious fruit and flower garden in the premises of school which is planted by Mahindra & Mahindra there are various 70 fruit trees.
An expansive ramp has been built from the ‘Nashik Run’ donation.
Shri. Sameer Bhujbal has got a stage constructed from his MLA funds. It is useful for the cultural activities. All the other working
system is same as PrabodhiniVidyamandir.
In the year 2017 these special children were invited to Belgaum for Bal-Natya- Ekankika competition, There they won many accolades for their play ‘Kali chi kimaya’. The theatre was houseful and the play received standing ovation from the audience. Audience and
Committee applauded for the children where they received many gifts and special awards. The special awards were given by Marathi theatre actor Mr. Sanjay Mone.
On special date 12.12.2012, Deepak mandal, Nashik had arranged various plays in the city. Sunanda KeleVidyamandir presented a play ‘Vanrai’ which got a place in the amazing record book.
Sunanda kele Vidyamandir
B/H-ITI, infront of Sushil eye hospital,
Satpur Nashik-420010.
Phone No : +91-0253-2362723 or 2362724